Knowledge versus experience
A book is consist of words, when you read it, your brain reconstruct the things that book's author want you understand. In other words, book's author pass his thinking through sentences and words. Knowledge is like a book in your brain, you can remember and understand it. A book can be seen as a copy of other's thinking and partial experience. But you can construct my taste of an food through my writing for that food. The answer is no, you cannot, even I wrote ten million words to describe the taste I experienced.
Howto cure your OCD
My early OCD symptom: I feared that I might to eat corpse.
My teacher said a story about sleepwalking in my 2 grade of primary school, a crazy man who sleepwalked to the tomb and dug tomb to eat corpse every night . This story brought me a great fear that sleepwalk to eat corpse, then I slept on the side against the cemetery near my home in that time. I knew the reason was I fear that I might sleepwalk to that cemetery and dug the tomb and ate the corpse. Now when I look back this experience, it is really stupid and unreasonable, but I also know that I could not help my self to fear an unreasonable thing in that time for that is a symptom of OCD, an psychological disorder I have been diagnosed in 2 grade of college.
How to stop complain and start a new life?
If your enemy in company was been promoted, you would surprise why (s)he, not you? and resent the injustice of the company's decision and fear (s)he would be not good for you.
You think that you are better and work harder than her/him, so you felt very bad when (s)he order you or assign some work to you. You complained to anyone, or pressed the feeling, then became more and more unhappy in work.
Resentment is bad to your health and relationship of others. How to stop complain and peace the resentment. I conclude the following methods from my life experience:
Knowing you are not do good thing for other's want you do
Chinese philosopher Laozi said:
Happy is he who is content
Laozi also said:
You think that you are better and work harder than her/him, so you felt very bad when (s)he order you or assign some work to you. You complained to anyone, or pressed the feeling, then became more and more unhappy in work.
Resentment is bad to your health and relationship of others. How to stop complain and peace the resentment. I conclude the following methods from my life experience:
Knowing you are not do good thing for other's want you do
Chinese philosopher Laozi said:
It is great if you understand that you don't know that; It is bad if you don't know that you don't understand that.You complained that because you didn't know that you are not good for company. You should be peace and think that what is the company want you do(something help it achive its objectives). If the company want increasing income and you do something to double its income in a year, I think the boss will promote you not (s)he.
If you know you are bad, you will not be bad.
Saint is not be bad because (s)he know (s)he is bad.
Happy is he who is content
Laozi also said:
When the world is in peace, we have time to let the horse to take a shit, but when the world is in war, the horse gives the birth on the road.When you complain your company, family and any unfair thing around your life, you can look down people who's status worse than yours. I always feel I'm so lucky when I see someone without a leg but work hardly.
There is no more serious sin than desire, no more serious disaster than dissatisfaction and no more serious mistake than greed.
Thus you are always satisfied when you know you have had enough.
養生主(The main goal of protecting life)
吾生也有涯,而知也無涯。以有涯隨無涯,殆已; 已而為知者,殆而已矣。為善無近名,為惡無近刑。 緣督以為經,可以保身,可以全生,可以養親,可以盡年。
Humsn life is finite and knowledge is infinite. If we want to get infinite knowledge in our finite life, it will be tired;
If we have known that, but to do so, it's very dangerous. Do something right not for fame and do something bad not for crime. Always following the right way can protect your body, fulfill your life, help your parent and end in usual way.
庖丁為文惠君解牛,手之所觸,肩之所倚, 足之所履,膝之所踦,砉然嚮然, 奏刀騞然, 莫不中音。合於《桑林》之舞,乃中《經首》之會。
Chef slaughtered cattle for King Hui of Wei. The sound of hand touching, shoulder lining, foot standing.knee lining.
The king said:"Wow, great job! Why your skill can reach this grade."
庖丁釋刀對曰:「臣之所好者道也,進乎技矣。始臣之解牛之時,所見無非牛者。 三年之後,未嘗見全牛也。方今之時,臣以神遇(用神理去領悟)而不以目視, 官(感官)知止而神欲行。 依乎天理,批(劈擊)大郤(音ㄒ|ˋ;通「隙」), 導大窾(ㄎㄨㄢˇ;縫隙、孔穴;形容骨節空處),因其固然。 技經肯綮(音ㄑ|ㄥˋ;筋骨接合處)之未嘗(牛的經絡筋腱都不會動到) ,而況大軱音ㄍㄨ;大骨)乎!(當然更不會碰到大骨!)
良庖歲更刀,割也(常割筋腱); 族庖(一般廚師)月更刀,折也。 今臣之刀十九年矣。所解數千牛矣,而刀刃若新發於硎(音ㄒ|ㄥˊ;磨刀石)。 彼節者有閒(空隙),刀刃者無厚;以無厚入有閒,恢恢乎其於遊刃必有餘地矣,是以十九年而刀刃若新發於硎。雖然, 每至於族(每到了割牛時,看見筋骨交錯),吾見其難為,怵(音ㄔㄨˋ;恐懼)然為戒, 視為止(目光停在難處),行為遲(小心謹慎)。 動刀甚微(慢慢移動刀子),謋(音ㄏㄨㄛˋ)然(骨與肉急速分離的聲音)已 解,如土委地(牛的骨肉像一堆土般攤在地上)。提刀而立,為之四顧, 為之躊躇滿志(得意的環顧四周),善刀而藏之。」
The King said:"Great! I heard the speech of chef and knowing how to life."
公文軒見右師而驚曰:「是何人也?惡乎介(你怎麼只有一條腿)也? 天與,其人與?」曰: 「天也,非人也。天之生是使獨(獨腳)也;人之貌有與也(就像人的相貌有美醜)。 以是知其天(天意)也, 非人也(不是人為造成的)。」
澤雉十步一啄,百步一飲,不蘄蓄乎樊 中。神雖王(雖能吃飽精神旺),不善也(心裡不快活)。
老聃死,秦失弔之,三號(哭三聲)而出。弟子曰:「非夫子之友邪?」 曰:「然。」「然則弔焉若此(弔喪這麼隨便),可乎?」 曰:「然。始也吾以為其人也(我以為你們的老師是超越世俗的真人),而今非也。 向吾入而弔焉,有老者哭之,如哭其子;少者哭之,如哭其母。彼其所以會(聚集)之, 必有不蘄(不希望)言而言,不蘄哭而哭者。是遁(脫離)天倍(違背)情, 忘其所受(受之於大自然的壽命),古者謂之遁天之刑(這種悲傷方式是脫離天道而遭受的刑戮)。 適來,夫子時也(出生,你們的老師是順時而生);適去,夫子順也(死亡,是順理而死)。安時而處順, 哀樂不能入也(不應該感到悲傷),古者(古代的聖人)謂之 帝之縣(懸)解(沒有生死哀樂的狀況,擺脫了上帝的束縛)。」
Humsn life is finite and knowledge is infinite. If we want to get infinite knowledge in our finite life, it will be tired;
If we have known that, but to do so, it's very dangerous. Do something right not for fame and do something bad not for crime. Always following the right way can protect your body, fulfill your life, help your parent and end in usual way.
庖丁為文惠君解牛,手之所觸,肩之所倚, 足之所履,膝之所踦,砉然嚮然, 奏刀騞然, 莫不中音。合於《桑林》之舞,乃中《經首》之會。
Chef slaughtered cattle for King Hui of Wei. The sound of hand touching, shoulder lining, foot standing.knee lining.
The king said:"Wow, great job! Why your skill can reach this grade."
庖丁釋刀對曰:「臣之所好者道也,進乎技矣。始臣之解牛之時,所見無非牛者。 三年之後,未嘗見全牛也。方今之時,臣以神遇(用神理去領悟)而不以目視, 官(感官)知止而神欲行。 依乎天理,批(劈擊)大郤(音ㄒ|ˋ;通「隙」), 導大窾(ㄎㄨㄢˇ;縫隙、孔穴;形容骨節空處),因其固然。 技經肯綮(音ㄑ|ㄥˋ;筋骨接合處)之未嘗(牛的經絡筋腱都不會動到) ,而況大軱音ㄍㄨ;大骨)乎!(當然更不會碰到大骨!)
良庖歲更刀,割也(常割筋腱); 族庖(一般廚師)月更刀,折也。 今臣之刀十九年矣。所解數千牛矣,而刀刃若新發於硎(音ㄒ|ㄥˊ;磨刀石)。 彼節者有閒(空隙),刀刃者無厚;以無厚入有閒,恢恢乎其於遊刃必有餘地矣,是以十九年而刀刃若新發於硎。雖然, 每至於族(每到了割牛時,看見筋骨交錯),吾見其難為,怵(音ㄔㄨˋ;恐懼)然為戒, 視為止(目光停在難處),行為遲(小心謹慎)。 動刀甚微(慢慢移動刀子),謋(音ㄏㄨㄛˋ)然(骨與肉急速分離的聲音)已 解,如土委地(牛的骨肉像一堆土般攤在地上)。提刀而立,為之四顧, 為之躊躇滿志(得意的環顧四周),善刀而藏之。」
The King said:"Great! I heard the speech of chef and knowing how to life."
公文軒見右師而驚曰:「是何人也?惡乎介(你怎麼只有一條腿)也? 天與,其人與?」曰: 「天也,非人也。天之生是使獨(獨腳)也;人之貌有與也(就像人的相貌有美醜)。 以是知其天(天意)也, 非人也(不是人為造成的)。」
澤雉十步一啄,百步一飲,不蘄蓄乎樊 中。神雖王(雖能吃飽精神旺),不善也(心裡不快活)。
老聃死,秦失弔之,三號(哭三聲)而出。弟子曰:「非夫子之友邪?」 曰:「然。」「然則弔焉若此(弔喪這麼隨便),可乎?」 曰:「然。始也吾以為其人也(我以為你們的老師是超越世俗的真人),而今非也。 向吾入而弔焉,有老者哭之,如哭其子;少者哭之,如哭其母。彼其所以會(聚集)之, 必有不蘄(不希望)言而言,不蘄哭而哭者。是遁(脫離)天倍(違背)情, 忘其所受(受之於大自然的壽命),古者謂之遁天之刑(這種悲傷方式是脫離天道而遭受的刑戮)。 適來,夫子時也(出生,你們的老師是順時而生);適去,夫子順也(死亡,是順理而死)。安時而處順, 哀樂不能入也(不應該感到悲傷),古者(古代的聖人)謂之 帝之縣(懸)解(沒有生死哀樂的狀況,擺脫了上帝的束縛)。」
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